Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What is Acceptable Worship to God? From a Youth's Perspective...

From Hosanna Dickerson~

Music and dance are two major tools I use to worship God. However, this does not mean that every time I am singing or dancing I am worshiping God. In all honesty, true worship does not come to me naturally. In fact, it is almost rare that I experience a good dose of it. This, obviously, has a lot to do with myself, since I believe having an understanding and a gratefulness for all that God has done for us leads us to worship Him. That doesn't come naturally to me either. I'm learning how to do this more and more as I'm growing up.

When I think of worship, there are a few specific words that come to mind. Humility, gratitude, focus, and reconciliation. These are some of the things I have experienced in worship. I have to have a humble and contrite heart to enter the throne room of God. He does not meet me there, if I am arrogant, or self conscious. I have to be intensely focused on Him, just as Christ is intensely focused on Him. I can't be worried about what I look like to others or what they think of me. God is so much bigger than I can comprehend, and He is worthy of my praise and worship because of all He has done for me. Who else would have died for my sins? Who else would have suffered unbearable pain so that I might live and know God and His forgiveness? This is the gratitude I feel when I worship. 

But I think the sweetest thing about worship, the part I love best of all, is the reconciliation of myself to God. To feel him draw near and know that He loves me in spite of how I am or what I've done. When my heart is right with God, I feel His pleasure. I will never grow dull to that feeling. He gives me hope, comfort, and life, and for that, I'll worship Him.


  1. Love, love, love it. Great post. Thanks abba

  2. Not Thanks abba... Thanks for the post signed abba

  3. Well, amen, girl! :) <3 ya. ~Allison

  4. Great post! Very heartfelt....Loved it!

  5. Your post came up on Google Reader before it came up on this blog. (Weird, huh?) So I couldn't comment on it when I read it. So I'll comment now while I'm reading Jonathon's.

    You touched on a major aspect of worship when you said it doesn't come naturally. Making the choices is central to worship, and you are making them. Your life's an encouragement to me. It's a delight to see youth loving God.
